St. Patrick Guild 2024-2025


St. Patrick Guild


Our mission is to unite parishioners in purpose, direction and action in spiritual, fund raising and social fields.  Additionally, our mission is to be assistance to the Pastor for specific needs of the Parish as he may request.


Membership is open to all Catholic adults of St. John Paul II Parish.  New members are always welcome and encouraged to join at any time. The annual dues are $5.

Officers and Committee Chairs:

President: Donna Bonito

Vice -President: Sharon Mann

Secretary: Amy Hickey

Treasurer: Sharon Flannery

Committee Chairs:

Membership: Carol Corliss

Prayer Line: Jann Dalton

Holiday Bazaar: TBD

Christmas Dinner: TBD

Guild Schedule:

St. Patrick Guild meets on the second Tuesday of each month from September through June in the Parish Center.  Meetings begin at 6:30 and often include guest speakers, a craft and or potluck dinners.

Fundraising is an important activity of the Guild.  Each year we are able to fund several major purchases for the parish and provide support to various local and international causes.

More detailed information about Guild activities and events can be found in the parish bulletin under the heading “Guild Grapevine”

Some highlights from this past year:

*Prayed for dozens of intentions through the Prayer Line and Memorial Masses

*Participated in registration and canteen duty at Red Cross Blood Drives throughout the year

*Placed flags at the cemetery for Veterans Day and Memorial Day.

*Brought cheer to residents of Cobalt Lodge and Chestelm through caroling in December and making handmade treats for Valentine’s Day and Easter.

*Shopped for and assembled Boxes of Joy for families served by Cross Catholic Outreach.

*Conducted a Holiday Bazaar

*Gathered for a Christmas Party in December

*Donation to St. Vincent DePaul soup kitchen

*Made desserts for the Knights’ spaghetti dinners

* Collected baby items for ABC Women’s Center

*Collected money for St. Gianna and the East Hampton food bank.

Contact information:

If you would like more information about the Guild, please contact Donna Bonito-President- 203-430-1042

Upcoming Guild Meetings for 2024-2025

September 10: Mass at 6:00 with a potluck dinner, business meeting.

October 8: Boxes of Joy

November 12: Fire Safety

November 9: Christmas Bazaar

December: Date for Christmas party TBD.

December: Caroling at Cobalt Lodge

January 14: Valentine Day’s Craft

February 11: TBD

March 11: TBD

April 13: TBD

May 13: TBD

June 10: Mass at 6 PM with a potluck dinner, business meeting.