St. Bridget Ladies Guild

St. Bridget's Ladies Guild welcomes all women who are interested in assisting and promoting the wellbeing of parishioners in every way possible.

The women gather together in a spirit of friendship and harmony who are willing to bind themselves in a mutual bond of love of their church, for their parish, and for one another.

They provide for the spiritual growth of all such members by promoting programs with Christian ideas and ideals and sponsor social and spiritual activities along with humanitarian projects in the spirit of Christ's injunction: "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me."

Dues: $10.00 per year

St. Bridget's Ladies Guild meets the third Wednesday of every month September through June.  Meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. with a few exceptions to be noted in the Ladies Guild Calendar and monthly newsletter.


                                         Officers and Executive Board -2022/2023                                                       

                        (The Executive Board meets the first Mondays of the Month Sept. through June. at 6:30 pm)

      President: Lisa Kessler lkessler59@yahoo.com/860 377-1443           Vice-Presidents:   Janice Dennis/Janice Lambert

      Secretary: Linda Shea                                                                          Treasurer: Sharon Smith

      Goodwill:  Christine Briggs/Kim Capel                                                  Kitchen Supplies: Irene Parady

      Membership: Linda Shea                                                                      Newsletter: Kathy Miller

      Public Relations: Mary Lee Abekemeier/Kathy Miller                           Mercy Scholarship: Lisa Kessler/Linda Shea

      Spiritual Development: Irene Parady                                                   Harvest House: Mary Ventres



January 21 & 22 following all Masses - Charity Bake Sale for Baskets of Love

January 28 at 1pm - Valentine Baskets of Love packing in the Faith Formation building

February 19 at 1pm - Baptismal Robes Workshop (if needed)

March 17 - Stations of the Cross led by the Ladies Guild in the Church followed by Meeting in Marian Hall (meet at 6:30 pm)

April 1 at 6pm  - Souper Bowl (Soup and Salad) in Marian Hall

April 2 at 1:30 pm - Visit Chestelm with Easter Gifts

April 19 at 7pm - Program and Meeting in Marian Hall

April 25 - Ladies Night Out, Restaurant to be determined

May 7 following 11:30 am Mass - First Holy Communion and Reception/Marian Hall if the Sacrament takes place at St. Bridget's

May 13 & 14 following weekend Masses at St. Bridget - Geranium Sale in Marian Hall

May 17 at 7pm  - Program and Meeting in Marian Hall

May 22 at 6pm - Basket Wrapping for Theme Basket  Sales

June 3 & 4 following Masses at St. Bridget - Mercy Scholarship Bake Sale in Marian Hall

June 14 or June 21 6-8 pm  - Strawberry Festival in Marian Hall at St. Bridget's

June 28 at 6:30 pm - Mass, Pot Luck, Installation and Meeting in Marian Hall



Click here for the November Newsletter 2023