I'm glad you found us online and hope that you will visit often. If you are new to the area, stop by the parish office to say hello or introduce yourself after Mass. If you've been away for awhile, welcome back.
Mass Times
Saturday Confessions 3:00pm followed by
the Vigil Mass at 4:00 pm
Sunday: 8:30 am, 10:00 am & 7:00 pm
Weekdays: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 8:00am
St. Bridget Church:
Saturday Vigil Mass at 5:30 pm.
Confessions following the Vigil Mass at 6:30 pm
Sunday: 7:00 &11:30 am
Weekdays: Wed. 8:00 am & Fri. 8:00 am
FIRST SATURDAY MASSES at St. Patrick Church on the First Saturday of each month. Confessions will be heard starting at 8:00am and Mass starts at 9:00am
Christmas Mass Schedule 2024
The parish MAILING ADDRESS for all correspondence is St. John Paul II Parish, 47 West High St. East Hampton, CT 06424. Including letters directed to our pastor. The PO Box in Moodus is closed and there is no U.S. Mail receptacle at the St. Bridget Church location. General Email:
At Our Parish
Marian Devotions: The Legion of Mary, Our Lady of Grace Praesidium meets every Tuesday at 4:00 pm in Columbus Hall at St. Patrick Church. The 13th of the Month Devotion request of Mary "Rosa Mystica" takes place in St. Bridget Church on the 13th of every Month at 4:00 pm to Pray for priests, religious and vocations.
Rosary for Life: Mondays at 6:00 pm in St. Patrick Church
Coffee Hours: The First Thursday of each month following the 8:00 am Mass at St. Patrick in Columbus Hall and Friday's at St. Bridget Church Following the 8:00 am Mass in Marian Hall
Lighting of the Creche at St. Bridget's: Saturday, Dec. 7, 2024, Following the 5:30pm Mass at appx. 6:30pm - refreshments provided by the Knights of Columbus
Ladies Guild Annual Poinsettia Sale and Tea Cup Raffle: December 7th and 8th at St. Bridget Church. Poinsettias will be sold on Saturday Dec. 7 from 9am to Noon and after all Masses this weekend. The Tea Cup Raffle will be drawn after the 11:30am Mass. Red and White Poinsettias at $5, $10 & $20 sizes.
Extra Confession Times for Advent: Sunday, Dec. 8 at 2 pm at St. Bridget's, and on Dec. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 following the 8am Masses at appx. 8:30am.
Christmas Food Drive for the East Hampton Food Bank: Dec. 7 & 8 at St. Patrick Church - accepting donations before and after Masses.
Red Cross Blood Drive: Wednesday, Dec. 11 from 1pm to 6pm in St. Patrick's Parish Center
Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe (Patroness of the Unborn): Eucharistic Adoration December 12th from 9am to 6pm at St. Patrick Church floowed by the regular monthly Holy Hour at 6pm. Sign up sheets are posted a both churches. Please join us to pray for an hour for the most vulnerable of Mary's children.
Family Adoration with Pizza to follow: December 20, 2024 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm Adoration - Pizza at 6 in Marian Hall
Christmas Mass Times: Christmas Eve 4:00 pm at St. Bridget's and 6:00 pm at St. Patrick's Midnight Mass at St. Bridget's and Christmas Day 9:00 am at St. Patrick's and 11:00 am at St. Bridget's
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Vigil Mass December 31 and Mass the Day of January 1, 2025: Vigil Mass, December 31, 2024 at 4:00 pm in St. Patrick Church. Mass on January 1, 2025 at 10:00 am at St. Bridget.s
Traveling & looking for Mass?
Go to to find a Mass time while away.
Office Hours
47 West High St. East Hampton for both St. Bridget's and St. Patrick's.
MONDAY thru FRIDAY 8:00 am - Noon and 12:30pm - 4:00 pm
December 24 thru Jan. 3, 2025 - Christmas break. The office can be reached during Christmas break for urgent matters via email:
- Rev. Darius Dudzik, Pastor
- Rev. Martin Noe, Parochial Vicar/Assistant
- Deacon Dan D'Amelio, Permanent Deacon
- Mrs. Dani Annino, Director of Faith Formation
- Mrs. Molly Bickford, Director of Confirmation & Youth Ministries
- Mrs. Marlene Hale, Parish Secretary
- John P. Higgins, Director of Music and Organist
Daily Readings
Memorial of Saint Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
12/07/24 9:30 am
Readings for the Memorial of Saint Ambrose, bishop and doctor of the Church
Reading 1 Is 30:19-21, 23-26
Read MoreFriday of the First Week of Advent
12/06/24 9:30 am
Thursday of the First Week of Advent
12/05/24 9:30 am